Ben Saboe

Strategic Partnerships Manager

Ben Saboe

Strategic Partnerships Manager

Team Member Spotlight

Q | Tell us a little about yourself.

A | Well, I’m from Dubuque Iowa originally, bounced around the US, and somehow found my way back to Iowa. I was new to technology and this industry when I joined CCR about six years ago. Starting out in my career, I went to school out in Omaha (Creighton University), got a degree in marketing, and went straight to transportation management. Definitely a change from marketing!

I worked in that field for around 10 years when I decided to go back to school and complete my masters which led me more to technology and relationship management. Really, I haven’t looked back since. This is really along the lines of what I enjoy doing and what I’ve wanted to do. Just being involved with building relationships, being creative, getting out and traveling, and just really making those connections.

Q | What are you most proud of from your time at CCRM?

A |  It’s crazy, you know, just starting holistically with the growth at CCRM. Going from small client, small market base and growing to an international player with arguably the largest footprint in North America and internationally. Then having the technical aptitude to back that up? It’s one thing to be big, it’s a whole other to be big and efficient.

Seeing the relationship and technical teams working together is amazing and that speaks to the client base we have now. From startups to multi-billion-dollar companies interested in working with a company in small town Iowa, or should I say, the silicon prairie. We’ve always been a word-of-mouth company, relying on referrals for growth but seeing that push to market and starting to show ourselves is really cool to see. Just being a part of it and looking from an outsider’s perspective has been amazing to see.

Q | You’ve spent 6 years working with CCRM. What are some of the joys that you experience out of being here?

A |  I think the biggest joy is the evolution of coming to the moment we are at now. It felt transactional and we’ve now emerged into an extension of our client’s business and we’re not just a line item to them. We became a part of their planning and roadmap.

We now have a full team across Relationship Management, Marketing, Service, and Engineering which can really support and be a partner as part of the transaction. It’s been neat to see that develop. I look forward to looking to the next few years of growth and expansion.

As a footnote, I had a conference call with a client and this individual was telling me that within the walls of their organization, I was looked at as a team member and for them to be successful we needed to be successful. I thought it was neat to know that I was seen as a part of their business. That’s what makes CCRM great!